Curious and eager for information imam Abidin Wakano from the Moluccas visited a synagogue for the first time in his life. What’s up with the discussion here on ritual slaughter? He wanted to know. How are Jews and Muslims working together? “This visit is very important for him”, Jacky Manuputty, reverend and friend, said after […]

In their mission to get the interreligious dialogue going and showing the world -and especially their own communities- that difficulties can be overcome by talking, reverend Jacky Manuputty and imam Abidin Wakano paid a visit to the “Bait al Rahmaan” mosque in Ridderkerk. Jacky Manuputty: “My task is also to bridge the communities here. There’s […]

“It was a very important evening and I am so happy that it happened here; in our mosque in Ridderkerk. It was unique, yes, maybe even a milestone. A reverend and an imam sitting together in a mosque, talking about peace, now that’s really something. It doesn’t happen here. We do smile at each other, […]

On thursday, Philip Lee, director of programmes at the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) had a get together with imam Abidin Wakano and reverend Jacky Manuputty. WACC international organization promotes communication for social change. It believes that communication is a basic human right that defines people’s common humanity, strengthens cultures, enables participation, creates community, […]

Reverend Jacky Manuputty and imam Abidin Wakano from Maluku (Indonesia) had a meeting with the Nigerian pastor Pastor Istifanus Habila. The pastor discovered certain similarities in Nigeria, where groups are countering negative news through social media. Pastor Istifanus Habila (JPRM); “I support all intention towards peace, Peace provocateurs inspires. We can learn from their approach. […]

“During the conflict it was said that when a christian dog would enter a muslim village it would be killed. If a muslim goat would enter christian area it would be killed. Then the question is, when did the animals become religious?” – Abidin Wakano

“It’s easy to provoke conflicts if you don’t communicate with eachother.” – Jacky Manuputty “Ever since the conflict that started in ’99, the public domain was filled with suspicion”, says Jacky. When the death of a muslim motorcycle taxi driver in a christian area led to attacks and counter-attacks, the Peace Provocateurs momevement emerged. “People […]

“When all was segregated, we chose a different path.” – Abidin Wakano In 1999-2003, violent clashes between Muslims and Christians in Maluku killed 10,000 people and displaced over 500,000. During that period, imam Abidin Wakano and reverend Jacky Manuputty were both trying to advocate peace. Because they engaged all parties, they were at times labeled […]

“I trust him blindly. That’s why I asked him to edit my sermon for the Eid ul Fitrservice, attented by thousands of people.”Abidin Wakano about Jacky Manuputty “Abidin has so much patience, sometimes even too much in my opinion. But that’s also one of his greatest strenghths.”Jacky Manuputty about Abidin Wakano By Ephraïm Patty, Simone […]